Vor den Pfingstferien finden Sie anbei einige Impressionen der Nottinghamfahrerinnen und -fahrer, die heute zurückgekehrt sind. Herzlichen Dank an Frau Mehne, Frau Smikale und Herrn Zepfel für die Organisation und Betreuung der Fahrt! Hier geht es weiter zu den Impressionen.

The whole trip was very exciting and there were many things to see. Although we really would have liked visiting a school, it still was a very cool trip! The best things were the first factory in Cromford Mills and the Galleries of Justice. We also enjoyed speaking to English people, because they often told us their own stories.

The hostel was also very nice- especially our self-made food.

Well, well, we would have stayed and kept looking for Robin Hood in the Victoria Center or at Waterstones or in the caves, if only we hadn‘t been hit by the rain!